THE MORAL OBLIGATION TO BE INTELLIGENT An unarmed 20-year-old Guatemalan girl, Claudia Gomez, is shot dead By a United States border agent just across the Texas line. A mother, Silvana Bermudez, hugs her teenage son and younger daughter outside Houston After US Immigration and Customs Enforcement catch up with them And separate them, sending the children to an unspecified detention center For an unknown period of time, and the mother to a similarly-unspecified Though different detention center. . .Two days ago a US Senator from Oregon, Jeff Merkley, was denied access to a Texas “immigration detention center For children,” although he had every right. . .Even the language, “detention center,” Is carefully chosen not to invoke the memory of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, which rose to power on the fear and hatred now gripping The United States. The president, elected with the assistance of a Russian dictator, Has declared himself to have “absolute power” to pardon himself, Although because he has done “nothing wrong” there is no need to-- But he may do it anyway, because he can, because he thrives on chaos And confusion and no one will stand up to him. Rome, Rome. . . Even within the Republican party there is division, among the Democrats A complete absence of leadership, and no one has the courage to warn That an affirmation of dictatorship from Trump will lead to impeachment. It won’t. A president with absolute power to pardon himself would not Think twice about federalizing the armed forces, and would override Congress’ Constitutional authority to refuse to fund such a move With an executive order. Thus the future of American government, Should there be one, would come down to one man, Secretary of Defense James N. Matthis, who could defy the president by ordering his forces To stand down, although that conceivably could start a civil war. The miracle of all this is not its brinksmanship, or its lies—the president Created the separation-of-immigrant-parents-and-children as an intentional Cruelty to stop illegal immigration, then falsely blamed that “horrible law” On the Democrats, and few people outside the ACLU and the Society of Friends blinked. .The miracle is the stupidity, blind stupidity. The five Extinctions that we know of in the inscribed geologic history of the planet didn’t Have to do with stupidity, but rather a sudden build-up for various reasons Of carbon dioxide: the first clue in each case was the dying-off of coral reefs, Whose demises are sealed in the paleontological rock. The difference this time Lies at the heart of consciousness: we do the evil and the careless and the reckless Things we do in full knowledge of their evil, their carelessness and recklessness And we do them anyway. Or we’re simply distracted. Yesterday right outside My house, a man with a grandmother, a young daughter, and an infant in the car Did a California rolling stop from my street onto 1st Avenue directly in front Of a fully-loaded cement mixer. It was a miracle no one was killed. I had to call 911. And I am the key witness, corroborating the truck driver’s story. It’s important To be a key witness, and to speak from that knowledge, whether the matter seems Relatively minor or overwhelming in its stupidity or conscious evil. I labor In the fields of the unconscious because it is not labor, it is fascination and Pleasure and brilliance beyond measure—and its limitlessness, as the self dissolves. It is always a mixed blessing to return. Some day I will not. But in the mean- Time, here, as discrete agents of consciousness, we cannot evade what Lionel Trilling once called “the moral obligation to be intelligent.” If I am preaching here, It is because I am angry, I don’t especially want to be here and never did. But Compassion is as real as its opposite, and more powerful, in fact, because Based in love, which is by nature expansive, rather than hatred, which is By nature destructive of everything, including itself, excluding love. I go Out into the world reluctantly, armed with a better armor than Gawain. Thomas Simmons June 5, 2018 Thomas Simmons © 2018 THOMAS SIMMONS taught for 24 years in the Department of English at the University of Iowa; in the spring of 2016 he started something new and has been writing ever since. Before that, he was an assistant and associate professor in the Program in Writing and Humanistic Studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; before that, he was a doctoral student in English at the University of California, Berkeley, a Wallace Stegner Fellow in Creative Writing at Stanford, and a Stanford University undergraduate. His seven previous books, one of which (The Unseen Shore: Memories of a Christian Science Childhood, Beacon Press, 1991) caused some offense in Boston, may be viewed at site listed below. He lives in Grinnell, Iowa. Amazon Author's Page |
Publisher's BlogRON STARBUCK is the Publisher/CEO/Executive Editor of Saint Julian Press, Inc., in Houston, Texas; a poet and writer, an Episcopalian, and author of There Is Something About Being An Episcopalian, When Angels Are Born, Wheels Turning Inward, and most recently A Pilgrimage of Churches, four rich collections of poetry, following a poet’s mythic and spiritual journey that crosses easily onto the paths of many contemplative traditions. Archives
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