Guest Author
Cindy Rinne - Author and Poet
Contemplation of the Sea
Contemplation of the Sea
Let us look for secret things
somewhere in the
on the
blue shore of silence – Neruda
I recline in solitude
on roaring rocks
like a beached whale.
My first-born inside me
responds to the warm
musical notes of surging waves,
returns like a Silkie.
I captured sand dollars
in the Gulf of Mexico
with curled toes
felt rough mouths
a story of five white
doves inside,
cracked open.
Flying fish leapt beside
chugging boat Bahamas shore.
Dolphins formed arches.
My weathered feet
touched the tidewash,
erased my presence.
Starfish of autumn colors
stranded on elder stones
long after the foam
receded. My hidden sanctuary
near the Maui coast.
Breathed through a tube,
absorbed moray eels.
My child connects to God
through salt.
Cindy Rinne
Copyright 2012
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