Saint Julian Press
Elizabeth Cohen ~ Poet
I had the smallest bones
I could breaststroke on the smooth back of evening
I had no particular anger
Sometimes I made a meal of rain's leftover wheat
I found certain beetles enticing
I loved fish
There was a time when I sang
to a smaller bird
for days
There was a time when
I pierced the skin of a lake
and left mud tracks
on asphalt
I have written sung arias
to the coming end of summer
I let my shadow
follow other shadows
into the quicksand of night
I have slept with sandflies
and fallen down on the miracles
of road-killed mice
After, I evolved into a mongoose
the smallest springbok of a large herd
a wildebeest, a Talaud flying fox
but I never forgot my
of feather and flock
It was my best life of all, and my
most successful
I was married to air
and my hatchlings followed me
everywhere, until one day
they left to marry the wind
themselves and became tree frogs
and pink fairy armadillos
and little girls
in India, with parasols
Elizabeth Cohen © 2017
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