Guest Authors
Taoli-Ambika Talwar & Ron Starbuck - Poets - Authors - Artists
Two Poets – Two Souls – Two Spirits
Where Were You
Ron’s voice calls out
Where were you when the earth
was born? Look at the Stars, are
they not wise? Have they not danced
in the heavens from generation to
generation? Where we're you before
all things, before the emptiness of creation,
before the wind was named, and the spirit
moved across the waters? Before you first
saw and knew your own face, or your feet
and hands moving in unity with the mind,
dancing between each constellation?
Did you not see me there waiting for you
with breath held in breathlessness,
bowing graciously to the beauty and
art that is you, unknown in your knowing?
Did you see me smiling
at the loveliness of your life,
the gift that is life?
Weaving Basket
- answers
How shall I answer these questions
asked of me from
before time was measured
language coded or censored
How shall I know wind was wind
In the now I know also this force as Vayu
but not then not then…
How shall I know there was a time
when Earth wasn't: our Gaia
this pulsing ball of intelligence
self-creates in layers her terrible beauty
Or that Stars are wise
they self-immolate like monks in orange
after many an eon…
How shall I know what I am
when I must find the lake
that can mirror my stillness
I am still running like crazy meteor
arcing circles of the cosmos
my feet aching to dance
All around me chaos of constellations
each on intersecting orbits
like balls of silk…twining around centers
You speak of my art my beauty
I hesitate for my unformed selves
unravel like
balls of silk
in this shimmering cosmos
where the
knitter sits smiling on a chair
in the Milky Way knitting
a green-black hat for the one I lost
You are right: my unknowing is my
Or maybe my surrender…
The knitting basket is at my feet
do I dare to weave
what I am not
or do I become what I weave
a curve in your imagination…
Copyright 2012 – All Rights Reserved
Taoli-Ambika Talwar
Ron Starbuck
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