5/17/2014 Beloved OneYes, there you are hidden within these pale amber, rose tint and snowy wings. Trusting me to discover your eternal beauty, now visibly known and seen as mystery. Angel wings enfolded in a pale delicate texture of softest skin and satin. Yes, I see you, so clearly now. Open as you are, waiting in expectation, in this grace filled moment of adoration and consecration. Wondering how I lost the memory of your quiet passionate touch, resting in your subtle divine light, resting in this timeless moment of reflection. I am naked again, my long sought soul. I am immersed, bathed in your light, your countenance of graciousness, bidding me to enter into such a gentle consciousness of spirit. As light itself, as honey poured out upon my humanity, my beloved one - eternal self, whose light is at no time. ever lost. Here is the self who lives forever captured in the reminiscence of each constellation affecting the firmaments, bound together in heaven’s truest realm. You have broken me open, again and again with the beauty of being. By beauty itself, aching to know intimately the touch of hand and thought. Casting away all grief I am supple once more, renewed in the promise of your colors, your softness and strength. Knowing you were always there waiting with patience for me to rediscover this beauty of the self, ever changing as it is, resting softly like the reflecting light and color from an angel’s wings. So, we come to know. So, we are ever known. So, we are born and born again and again through many lives into this translucent holy light. Ron Starbuck
Poem and Photos Copyright 2013 Following the Theme from When Angels Are Born http://saintjulianpress.com/when-angels-are-born.html Comments are closed.
Publisher's BlogRON STARBUCK is the Publisher/CEO/Executive Editor of Saint Julian Press, Inc., in Houston, Texas; a poet and writer, an Episcopalian, and author of There Is Something About Being An Episcopalian, When Angels Are Born, Wheels Turning Inward, and most recently A Pilgrimage of Churches, four rich collections of poetry, following a poet’s mythic and spiritual journey that crosses easily onto the paths of many contemplative traditions. Archives
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